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Unknown All of the lights .... Monday, August 29, 2011                                                                                                   CLICK TO SEE MORE                         ... 5

All of the lights ....

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                                                                                                sandals: aldo,
                                                                                                jeans: pull&bear,
                                                                                                blouse: non branded,
                                                                                                bag: aldo,
                                                                                                necklace: accessorize,
                                                                                                sunglasses: accessorize,
                                                                                                ph. Tosa

Hi guys,
how are you? How did you spent your weekend? Sun is shining, temperatures are still rising, ambrosia is in her full strength ( im allergic so you can imagine how im feeling) , but im still in a good mood! On last Friday, i did some interesting things in downtown, and can't wait to show you what is all about! On Saturday, i got from my mom this blouse and one oversized leopard shirt for being a good girl ... ;) Yesterday  i visited my grandparents and aunt, and after that my boyfriend and I went to have a drink by the river, where we took these beautiful photos right before the sunset. If you have chance, you should come and visit our charming city, you will enjoy for sure! Hope you will like photos, and background, i was really satisfied when i transferred photos on my laptop. Belgrade is beautiful! :)
Thank you for those lovely comments that you left in my previous post, im so glad that you find it very inspiring!  :*
p.s.  from today, you can follow my blog (on the right side) by email if you want, so every time when i post something new, you will be notified, and also, bellow every post, there will be a Facebook like button, so you can "like it" and share it!

Sunce, visoke temperature, ambrozija u punom jeku ( ja alergična) a dobro raspoloženje me još uvek drži ... ;) Prošlog petka sam u gradu radila neke interesante stvari koje jedva čekam da podelim sa vama ( nadam se uskoro, jer sam i sama nestrpljiva da vidim rezultate) ... Subota je bila rezervisana za šetnju sa mamom, gde sam kao dobra devojčica dobila na poklon ovu divnu bluzu ( koja se jako brzo gužva) i još jednu koju ćete videti u nekom od narednih  postova ... U nedelju sam posetila baku i deku, stigla čak i do druge bake , i taman se vratila da uhvatim zalazak sunca i pokažem  vam koliko je Beograd lep ... Kako je izgledao vaš vikend? :)
Moram da pohvalim i osobu iza fotoaparata, svaki put je sve bolji i bolji... ( izgleda da je i on pročitao poslednji post ;) ), i ujedno da vam se zahvalim za sve komentare koje ste ostavili u prethodna dva posta! U toku ove ili sledeće nedelje probaću da dodam još nešto novo,  pa ćemo zajedno odlučiti da li ćemo je uvrstiti kao redovnu rubriku ili ne .... :)
p.s. od danas možete pratiti blog i preko mejla ( sa desne strane "follow by email" ) ukoliko želite , tako ćete uvek biti obavešteni kada novi post bude objavljen, drugi dodatak je i Facebook "like button" ispod svakog teksta, gde možete direktno lajkovati i na taj način "share-ovati" :) , kao i "you might also like" dodatak koji vam nasumično nudi neke od starih postova da pogledate ....

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